4. GO
Your trishaws are here. Your first pilots are trained. Now it is time to hit the road. Planning out the right routes and setting up a dialed booking system will allow you to reach the largest number of old adult riding partners in the community. 
Ride Structure

A successful trishaw ride involves a well planned route, and a willingness to stop and enjoy those little moments that so many older adults have lost touch with.. Multi-use paths and rail trails are the ideal place for this. No cars and a high probability of interactions with cute puppies and families.Here is a breakdown of the typical trishaw ride.

1 Arrival
  1. Bring the trishaw to the ride location.
  2. Give the trishaw the pre-ride check.
  3. If applicable, check in with the activity director to see how many rides have been scheduled.
  4. Ensures that all riding partners have signed necessary waivers.
2 Ride
  1. Greets the riding partner and helps them into the trishaw. 
  2. Some will want a hand, others may want to get in on their own.

  3. Once the riding partner is comfortable, hit the road or trail.

  4. Looks for ways to bring a bit of fun and joy to the ride:

    • Taking the riding partner past places that they might have a personal connection with: schools, parks, famous local diners. Jogging those memories can be rejuvenating.
    • Stopping to smell the flowers, listen to the birds, etc. Sensory engagement like this is incredibly beneficial for many seniors.
    • Stopping for coffee or a donut. Many of these local businesses might sponsor your chapter and offer free/discounted drinks and snacks to pilots and riding partners.
3 Return
  1. Help the riding partner out of the trishaw, offering as much or as little assistance as requested.
  2. Return the trishaw to its storage location, checking the tires for any flats, and plugging in the battery.
Setting up Rides

Booking rides is often the most time consuming part of running a chapter. Having a core volunteer to serve as a Ride Coordinator will allow you to delegate the task of pairing ride requests up with volunteer pilots. 

Booking Options

There are several ways for you to offer up rides to the older adults in your community: 

Assigning Pilots

Once you receive a ride request or set up a time slot, your Ride Coordinator can share this opportunity with your pilots through a simple weekly or monthly Google group email. Pilots can then sign up via a Google form or spreadsheet.

Making Rides Special

As CWA Littleton phrases it, make these “experiences”, not just rides. Here are a few ways to take your rides to the next level:

Chapters in Action
