We created this toolkit to help you bring the trishaw magic of Cycling Without Age (CWA) to your community. Here is how to get started:

What is a Chapter?

The global CWA movement has chapters in 39 countries. All started by folks like you who are looking to get older adults outside. These chapters have taken different forms, all tailored to their community’s needs. Broadly, they have fit into three categories:

Individual Chapter 

  • Run by a single volunteer pilot with their own trishaw. 
  • Provide rides as personal schedule allows.

Community Chapter 

  • Run as a branch of a local bicycle coalition or their own nonprofit.
  • Matches pilots with ride opportunities in the community. 

Provider Chapter 

  • Run by a local care provider or senior living community. 
  • Incorporate trishaw rides into existing programs.

You can bring the rides and smiles to your community in the way that you best see fit. Don’t feel pressured to create a large organization out of the gate. Does just purchasing a single trishaw and giving rides on your own sound good? Great. Want to get a fleet right out of the gate? That works too!

Find another chapter in your region and reach out. Join them on one of their scheduled trishaw rides. Participate in one of their pilot trainings. This will give you a great idea of what Cycling Without Age can look like in practice.

( Click map to explore chapters )

Chapters in Action


Is it safe?
What about insurance?
Are the trishaws hard to ride?
What does it cost?